In Case You Missed It

Artificial intelligence system developed
August 6, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Artificial intelligence system developed

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P.E M'banga
Rev P.E M'banga - Chaplain

Research and Capacity Building Seminar

Event   October 19, 2017
x - Library
October 20, 2017 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm    [ Past Event ]

This week's seminar will continue from where we stopped. Last time we were looking at how to use reference managers to organize citations and bibliography. This week we will recap on Zotero and then look at how to use Mendeley. You are therefore kindly requested to bring your laptops and make sure you have installed both zotero 5.0 for windows and Zotero connector for Firefox or chrome. These are found on, then go to downloads.

For those interested to use Mendeley, please go to and download the Mendeley desktop. If successful, you will see the Zotero or Mendeley shortcuts on your laptops.

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