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Reaching out with Mathematics and Statistics
October 26, 2018, Murendere Juwayeyi
Reaching out with Mathematics and Statistics

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P.E M'banga
Rev P.E M'banga - Chaplain

Survey of the 2016 Polytechnic Graduates

Announcement   Tracer Study Team   September 5, 2018

The Polytechnic is carrying out a World Bank Skills Development Project (SDP). The aim of the project is to increase access, market relevance, and results orientation of supported skills development institutions. Conducting graduate tracer study is one of the activities of the SDP. It is also for quality assurance in the University of Malawi constituent colleges.

Under SDP, The Polytechnic conducted a first tracer study in 2016, targeting the 2014 graduates (report can be downloaded below). For this year, 2018, the second study will be conducted, targeting 2016 graduates. Just like in the first study, we would like to find out from you our graduates, about what happened to you after you completed your studies. For example, did you find a job or are you still looking for a job, did your studies prepare you well for the workplace, and do you use the knowledge and skills you have learned in the course of your studies?

The college requests your participation in this study. We expect that the study will be completed by September 2018.

To participate in the Survey, PLEASE CLICK HERE. In completing the online questionnaire, you will use passwords that were sent to you. If you do not have the password, please request it from Dr. S. Kaunda using email address: In your request, indicate your name and your programme of study. 

Your information will be treated with strict confidentiality. The results will be published in such a way that identification of individual persons is excluded. The Tracer Study report will be published on The Polytechnic website.

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