In Case You Missed It

Poly BAC students donate to flood victims
April 5, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Poly BAC students donate to flood victims

Featured Biography

Madalitso S. Duwa
Mr Madalitso S. Duwa - Procurement

Opening Of Electrical Installation Short Course ODL PROGRAMME

Announcement   Registrar   April 23, 2021

Following approval of names of candidates who have been selected to pursue a 4-month Electrical Installation Short course ODL programme on non-residential basis, the Polytechnic would like to inform its

newly selected candidates that the short course will progress as follows:


OPENING DATE: 31st May, 2021


Orientation shall be conducted from 31st May to 11th June 2021. Classes will commence on 21st June 2021. Each student will be given an orientation manual for self-learning support and four programme

modules through Moodle Platform.


Students are expected to register within the one (1) week of the programme and only those who pay fees will be registered. Students are advised that the College policy is “NO FEES, NO REGISTRATION” andtherefore should be adhered to strictly.


Tuition fee is K185, 000.00 per programme. This should be paid in full at the beginning of the course or in two (2) equal installments at the beginning and in the middle of the programme.

Some selected students will receive full scholarships from the Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA) with funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The scholarship will cover tuition and stipend. Those selected on scholarships will be informed accordingly by SHEAMA.

All students not given scholarships should pay their tuition fees to Electrical Engineering Department

Account with the following account details:

Bank: Standard Bank Branch: Ginnery Corner

Account Name: Electrical Engineering Department

Account Number: 9100001949982 Type: Current Account

All students will be required to pay MK 3,000.00 at the Library Front Desk for production of their Student

Identity Card (ID).

Download this document for the list of names.


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